Den 03.05.2017
Per 1. juni 2017 indfører Botswana en turistafgift på USD30,00 ved indrejse. Beløbet betales kontant eller med kreditkort ved indrejse. Afgiften er gyldig i 30 dage og grænsen kan uden efterfølgende betaling krydses indenfor de 30 dage.
De indsamlede penge fra turistafgiften vil blive brugt til bevarelse og beskyttelse af Botswanas dyreliv og unikke natur samt udvide turismen og af den vej være med til at forbedre levevilkårene for Botswanas befolkning.
Her er hvad vi har modtaget fra Botswanas Turistkontor:
The Levy Background
The Ministry of Environment Natural Resources’ Conservation and Tourism through the Botswana Tourism Organisation wishes to announce the introduction of an obligatory Tourism Development Levy (TDL)
Purpose of the Levy
The objective of the Levy is to raise funds for conservation and national tourism development in order to support the growth of the industry and broaden the tourism base, resultantly improving the lives of the people of Botswana.
Who is eligible to pay?
All visitors to Botswana in exception of residents and citizens of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states.
Where is the levy collected?
The Levy is payable at all ports of entry including airports and border posts, starting 1st June 2017
How is the payment done?
Payments are done at the ports of entry through electronic payment machines through cash (US Dollars), debit and credit card. After the payment, a unique receipt corresponding to the passport will be automatically generated. The receipt should then be presented to Immigration Officials. The passport and the receipt will be stamped and handed back to the traveller. The receipt will valid for a 30 day period and can be used for multiple entry.
How much is the levy?
Travellers to Botswana will pay USD30.00.
The Botswana Government remains committed to growing the contribution of tourism to the national economy as well as economic diversification and employment creation.
For further information please visit the BTO website For enquiries please email: or call +267 391 3111
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